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Spelling List

Spelling Pretest

Spelling Pretest

Students will take a spelling pretest each Tuesday in their Student Planners. They will make any corrections with a red correcting pen. Please study these words each night so they will be ready for their graded spelling test each Friday. "Challenge Words" offer students extra credit points each week.
Spelling Tests

Spelling Tests

Spelling Tests are every Friday. Please study the list words throughout the week.
Unit 5 - Make A Difference

Unit 5 - Make A Difference

 Week 1 Words with ou and ow-  week of 4/11
sound, mound, cloud, shout, pound, clown, brown, crown, howl, growl, chair, where, been, myself, pushed

Week 2  Words with oy and oi- week of 4/18

soil, broil, moist, point, toil, oil, toy, joy, coin, noise, crown, mound, I’ll, laugh, maybe
BONUS WORD: choice

Week 3 Words with oo, u, u-e, ew, ue, ui, and ou- week of 4/26

room, flu, June, new, glue, fruit, crook, could, full, push, point, coin, along, ever, strong